Welcome on board this Engine Room blog
It is intended for engine room cadets who are about to start their internship and they need a reference guide to keep in mind all the topics related to the Engine Room, such as:
- SMCP Terminology
- Diesel engines
- Pumps and pumping systems
- Auxiliaries
- Firefighting and safety equipment
- Maintenance.
The content has been designed to cover the syllabus related to IMO Model Course 7.04 Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch at the operational level.
The image used as a background was taken from: http://www.km.kongsberg.com/ks/web/nokbg0239.nsf/obj/marine-automation-700x332.jpg/$File/marine-automation-700x332.jpg?OpenElement
Thanks for visiting...
The image used as a background was taken from: http://www.km.kongsberg.com/ks/web/nokbg0239.nsf/obj/marine-automation-700x332.jpg/$File/marine-automation-700x332.jpg?OpenElement